If you’d like to order my book, A Beautiful Disaster: Finding Hope in the Midst of Brokenness, I recommend ordering it from Byron and Beth Borger at Hearts & Minds Books ( < < < click on the link!). They are quality independent book sellers.
“I have said on Facebook or twitter a while back, when we first saw some of her writing, that Marlena is a writer to watch. She has a nice way with words, not splashy or unusual, but fine, clear, artful and sure-handed. She is also a good storyteller, making her book nearly a memoir, with that narrative that makes you want to keep turning the pages. Indeed, one reviewer called it ‘a rich blend of theology, devotional and memoir’…. Let’s hope this book sells well, not only because it brings balm to readers and helps us “find hope in the midst of brokenness” but so that she becomes well known. I bet Marlena Graves has more to say, and we should be prepared to listen.”
Byron Borger’s Book Notes (click here to s rest of review)
“Your book is so timely for me. I told M. that it’s like you’ve written our story. Thank you for sharing and with such honesty. I believe it is going to help so many who are in their own deserts. You have a precious heart and I hope we can meet someday blessings!”
Tera A.
“There is so much profound beauty and wisdom in Marlena’s book that I simply find it difficult to narrow the scope and pick something to share with you. I want you to read what she says about identity: ‘If we desire to find out who we are, we have to confess who we have been.’ I want you to read what she says about ambition: “Saints are intentional about living a quiet, hidden life. They are not involved in noisy efforts to draw attention to themselves.” I want you to know her sobriety about spiritual transformation: ‘The process of dying to ourselves takes a lot out of us. We vacillate between putting to death the deeds of the flesh and hanging out to familiar death. . . We don’t like to die even when it’s good for us.’ My notes on A Beautiful Disaster are nearly 2,400 words: it’s as if in the process of reading, I wanted nothing to slip from notice.”
Jen Pollock MIchel (read the rest of the review here)
“A Beautiful Disaster is an extraordinary debut from one of today’s most promising new authors. In the tradition of the prophets, Marlena Graves sings a wilderness song, seamlessly connecting her own story to both the biblical narrative and the questions, struggles, and joys of all who travel the wilderness road. With a voice that is gentle and strong, passionate and mature, Graves invites the reader to pay attention, to be still and know God. Let those who have ears, hear.”
“A Beautiful Disaster offers up a rich blend of theology, devotional, and memoir–and at times breaks into sheer poetry. Marlena Graves is one of the most gifted thinkers and writers of her generation.”