An Update / Bearing Each Other’s Burdens.

I am spending time writing and revising a book proposal for a possible book deal. All is tentative. So I have not written in a very long time. Today is Good Friday. I think about Christ on the Cross and how he bore the sins and burdens of the world. I think of the burdens that I bear for others, how I take many with me to the throne of grace through prayer and how there are a few good souls that pray for me. Sometimes I get overwhelmed but the sheer number of difficulties and burdens that others around me bear and whose burdens I seek to bear (bear one another’s burdens…). But then I was thinking. If we all bore each other’s burdens like we’re supposed to, then no one person would be overwhelmed.

The problem is that some of us make up for those who should be bearing burdens by bearing too many and too much. So let us do what the body of Christ should do, bear each other’s burdens! That way some will not get burnt out and we’ll be living in obedience. A simple observation I think, but with profound implications. And if you’re reading this remember that Christ through the apostle James tells us to confess our sins to one another that we may be healed. Let us give thanks to the Lord for bearing and forgiving our sin and let us give thanks for those in our lives who joyfully come alongside us. Are we coming alongside others in a healthy way?

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