Christ is our life

“For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:3,4

Early Easter Sunday morning billows of disappointment swept over me. The disappointing waves were courtesies of a storm that brewed for days. I just had to be in church even if I’d be alone; my husband and daughter had miserable colds.

I stepped out of the house into a glassy blue sky, drenched by sunshine. Ah . . . . I inhaled the crisp air. Refreshing. All of a sudden, I forgot my disappointments. After a 10 minute sunshiny drive, I slid into the back pew of a beautiful church I’d never attended.

There I heard chapter three of the epistle to the Colossians. The words “Christ who is your life” overtook me. I sat understanding that I was trying to squeeze life out of situations, and when these situations didn’t produce the life I wanted, disappointment followed.

Lately I’ve been disappointed a lot.

Yet when I heard these verses anew, I realized anew that if Christ is my life, it doesn’t matter what situations I find myself in. He who is my life will give me life in the midst of disappointment if I would but look to him for life, not circumstances. This truth is an idea I’ve comprehended but needed to experience afresh.

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