Head Into the Wilderness this Season

The wilderness in the Bible is always seen as the antithesis of society. It is the barren place where people have to go to hear God’s word because there is just too much noise in society that drowns out God’s voice. We know that John spent a lot of time in the wilderness, and that is why he knew about God’s word. If you really want to hear the word of God, you too have to withdraw from the noise. That is why we keep inviting you to worship. Here you can hear sounds the busy world doesn’t make. As your hurried life is calmed, at last you are prepared to hear the still small voice of God’s word.

Craig Barnes

1 thought on “Head Into the Wilderness this Season

  1. In the past I did not realize that the often heard claim: “if God is everywhere you don’t have to go to a special place to find him,” misses the point which is to find those places where the world isn’t.
    A nearby Benedictine abbey is that place for me.

    Sitting in the very dark abbey church this time of year before 8:00 pm compline is my winter wilderness.

    There are seldom any visitors in the church before the monks arrive. By God’s grace, listening illuminates the silence.

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