How Does Change Happen Within An Individual?

These are some brief notes from a Renovare Retreat I attended in October. I thought that they’d be helpful for you.

Change happens through:

1. Pain and Suffering – discomfort propels people to seek change.
2. A Compelling Vision – a vision for a different reality of life.

* It is possible for us to be working against the process that God is initiating in order to bring about change– change in our lives and in the lives of others.

* Jesus’ parables created discomfort and disequilibrium to provoke change.

1 thought on “How Does Change Happen Within An Individual?

  1. assuming that you are right, and i think you are, one can’t help but question why Western believers often seek out comfortably-constructed living spaces and fashion homogeneous sub-cultures in an attempt to avoid number [1].

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