On Humility Trust and Stability

Here is a nourishing excerpt from Dennis Okholm’s book: Monk Habits For Everyday People

Such trust that accompanies humility must characterize not only our relationship with God but our relationship with those in whose company we are being sanctified . . . the Benedictine vows of stability (staying in the community which God has called you) and conversatio moralis (daily turning to God) come into play. Whether the community is a monastery, a family, or a church, by remaining in the same community day after day, we are nearly forced to become humble. I cannot continue to wear the mask that hides my true self if I am with the same people on a regular basis. (Said differently, church-hopping is a useful practice if you want to nurture your pride.) When a group of folks are committed to mutual spiritual development, we can be transparent and vulnerable because we can trust that others will have our best interests at heart as they speak the truth in love to us. They will know us as we are and will lovingly force us to arrive at the same knowledge.

Dennis Okholm, Monk Habits For Everyday People pp. 77-78.

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