Our deaths to self bring life to others

One of the most rewarding things about having my book out in the world is seeing what in it touched another. This is a gift of God from the people of God to me.

So, for the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing snippets of my book as seen through the eyes of others. That is, I’ll be posting what they’ve said means a lot to them. If you read my book and happen to enjoy some portion(s), let me know and I can post your piece. You can leave your favorite pieces in the comment section.

Thank you all for your love and support. May it be returned to  you a hundred fold all in the name of Jesus. 

This portion comes from Jeannie Prinsen over at the little house on the circle blog. I’ll share a snippet of what she shared. You can read the rest here

I deeply appreciate her kind words about me and my newly out book, A Beautiful Disaster, Finding Hope in the Midst of Brokenness.

Click to the right (or on this link right here) and you can order it from Byron and Beth Borger at Hearts and Minds Books. They are independent booksellers that I admire and support.

From Jeannie’s Blog:

Last month I entered a draw on Micha Boyett’s blog to win a copy of Marlena Graves’ new book A Beautiful Disaster: Finding Hope in the Midst of Brokenness, and I won. (This is the third book I’ve won in a draw in the past year!) I am loving this beautiful book. Marlena is a gentle, wise mentor giving encouragement to anyone who is going through difficult times: she shares parts of her own life story, stories from the Bible, and reflections on what she has learned through wilderness experiences. Here is a section from the book that I’m finding particularly meaningful at present:

When we are increasingly patient in the midst of trying circumstances and even in the mundane events of every day, we can rejoice with our Father in heaven and all his angels because it is evident he has provided for us.

Provision in the wilderness may look like death. In our dying, we are as a single kernel of wheat, buried in the ground, dying, and producing many more kernels. In a mysterious way, and for reasons known only to him, God uses our mortification — the thousand little and spectacular deaths we die in this life — as a means of provision for others. Our deaths to self are a means of grace for others and vice versa.


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