Trippin’ Through The Web Thursdays

This week and last week are all smashed up together for me. Maybe because our youngest has been sick since Friday night. There were several nights where I didn’t sleep. Then my husband got sick. And then our eldest. I thought I had it, I felt myself fading the other night, but I think it was due to lack of sleep. I think I’m pulling through. Even so, I had time to read. Here are my picks this week (again, in no particular order), in case you missed them.

1.Little boy wanders onto stage with the Pope. The Pope welcomes this little child, as Jesus would. The way he hung on to El Papa is the way I imagine myself hanging on to Jesus’s robes for dear life-especially when I am beside myself.

2. “Please Stop Calling Your Relatively Privileged Life Messy.” This is a post from Rachel Stone. It’s about how we use our words and the meaning of words. Rachel is a gutsy woman.

3. In this post, Michelle Vanloon talks about how she was at an event with Christian leaders. She thought she was sensing testosterone in the room, but concluded with the help of a friend that it was ambition. Read about it here over at Scot Mcknight’s Blog.

4. Tired of fluff in women’s ministry stuff? Or does that statement offend you? Dr. Halee Gray Scott writes an open, and to some, a controversial letter to women’s ministry directors.

5. Are you prejudiced toward beautiful women? Katelyn Beaty admits to struggling with that prejudice here.

6. Here is some of the best advice I’ve read about the writing process. Those aspiring to be published, those just starting out in the writing process, and writing veterans: hear, hear! From Dr. Karen Swallow Prior over at Preston Yancey’s blog.

7. I don’t know this man or if this is a feigned apology. It doesn’t seem like it is. He apologizes for a romantic relationship with a woman that isn’t his wife. And he resigns from his top leadership position at the Vision Forum. Yes, it’s regarded as an extremely conservative ministry. But, I do have to give him credit for what seems like legitimate repentance. I’ve seen too many Christian leaders try to sweep wrongdoing of all kinds under the rug-or get rid of whistle blowers.

8. Honestly, I don’t usually like curriculum and have never used it for my children. But, that is changing now. Lacy Finn Borgo and Ben Barczi have written a discipleship book for parents and children. It’s called Good Dirt.

Here’s the information on Good Dirt.

A year-long adventure for families desiring to grow in Christ and set the rhythm of their lives by the Seasons of the Church. Good Dirt combines kid-friendly seasonal activities, daily devotionals, and Bible readings. Each day the family is rooted in Christ through a reading from one of the Gospels. Adults and the little ones in their homes alike will learn how to “Till,” “Plant,” “Water,” and “Weed” their souls, living out spiritual formation within the most influential social context anyone is ever born into: the family. In this first volume, Advent, Christmastide & Epiphany, seasonal activities and readings guide families through a celebration of Jesus’ incarnation, introducing the twelve classical spiritual disciplines as tools to work the soil of the soul.

I know these two. I wish they could be Sunday School/ Spiritual Formation Ministers where I live. I can’t recommend them or their work highly enough (I have not been asked to do this endorsement nor have I been paid for this endorsement)!

9. For fun: Europe’s Most Beautiful Villages.

10. My husband’s father died of cancer 11 years ago. His mother had breast cancer. He fears he too will succumb one day. I’ve also had a cancer scare. I really appreciated this post by Bronwyn Lea called: Cancer is Not Her Tagline.

11. And though it might seem obvious, this isn’t always talked about: women leaders in the church can be tempted toward adultery. What can be done? Connie Jakab writes about it over at Gifted For Leadership.

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