Christ’s Life Blossoming in Us – Resurrection

Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me,“Write, for these words are true and faithful.” Revelation 21:5

The other day, Holy Saturday, I sat staring at the living blossoms on a seemingly dead bush. It happens every Spring; life shoots forth from by what all appearances, is dead. It’s a resurrection every Spring, pointing to what will happen to our bodies and what happens now as Christ’s life invades our beings. In Christ, eternal life begins now, spilling forth into every part of our lives. He proclaims his words in Revelation 21:5 to be faithful and true. He makes all things new. There are dead things in us, dead and twisted passions that are misdirected and misguided. Dead relationships. Some of these he will cut off and others he will sanctify and resurrect. There are hopes and dreams that we have pronounced dead, but that are living. We’re just not aware of their life. They’ll spring forth, be resurrected in his time.

Another thing I thought of, was that only through self-denial can his life spring forth. Only as we put to death (through the strength of the Holy Spirit) all in us that is not of him, can his life spring forth. It is not merely self-denial with no consequences. The consequences of self-denial (in order to carry the cross of obedience) are life. Ressurection life for ourselves and others. A new creation.

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