Friday Feature: Debbie Harris – Poet

One of the the things I appreciate about social media is “meeting” people I never would’ve encountered otherwise. One of those people is Debbie Harris. I first “met” her on Twitter. Debbie and I come from very different worlds, yet we have a common love for Jesus. I can see Jesus oozing from her. I asked her to write something about the beauty and goodness of God. Take a moment and read it.

Debbie Harris is a school counselor by day and a poet at night. Her interests include: theology, apologetics, poetry, blogging, whole foods, raw food, vegetarianism, juicing, jewelry making, gem and mineral collecting shopping, growing flowers, talking and hanging out with friends, doing Bible studies with friends, coffee, and technology. She loves to travel, jump on her treadmill and run, speak and perform, and is the proud cat owner of Basil.

On The Beauty And Goodness Of Our Most Precious Triune God

Thinking upon the goodness and beauty of our Holy, grace-filled God, I know that He is the divine Creator, author and fountainhead of all that is beautiful and good.

For His very essence and person is beauty, goodness, and truth. I know that His beauty and goodness is written in the inerrant, majestic living truths found in the Holy, active Word of God. These truths can also be seen with eyes of faith so that the unseen becomes seen.

For Jesus is the living word active in the hearts and lives of the redeemed. He changes us from glory to glory. This is so we can reflect His beauty and goodness more and more and die to carnal self so that Christ becomes more and self becomes less. I see the beauty and goodness of God in the gentle and sometime turbulent sanctification process.

One can see the Father’s goodness and beauty when he pursues the sinner to become a saint. It is seen when the Savior restoratively makes lives that are full of destruction, defeat, and despair into new creations. New creations full of His life, His love, His forgiveness, His grace, His power, His person, and His Spirit.

All the while I am constantly reminding myself that I too, once lost in sin, the least of all the saints, was saved by His most majestic grace, tender care, and beautiful work of redemption on the Cross.

For without the beauty and goodness of the work of the Cross, we have nothing to stand upon.

I see the goodness and beauty of God when Jesus taught Nicodemus that one must be born again to see the Kingdom of Heaven. The goodness and beauty of God is seen when Jesus took our place on the Cross and rose victoriously to Heaven.
As He is so are we: reigning with Him, crucified, dead, and now risen, seated with Jesus Christ in Heaven.

We are received and accepted. Beloved. Forgiven. Favored by the King of Kings. I see His beauty and goodness in His creation in the brilliant ruby red wings of a cardinal that sings his song to the Creator and to the entire universe.

His beauty and goodness is reflected in the seasons of nature and in life, in mountains, oceans, valleys, sunrises and sunsets. And in the midst of tragedy and death. Whatever our God touches and redeems becomes good and beautiful in His time, even when in the midst of our humanity and pain we cannot see His beauty and goodness revealed in us quite yet.

The ultimate source of all goodness and beauty is Jesus Christ. Our Savior’s redemptive masterpiece of goodness, beauty, and love emanated from the horrific but beautiful anguished Cross of Calvary.

That will take a lifetime of humble study to fathom.

A little about Debbie Harris:

Featured in the March/April 2012 issue of Southern Writers Magazine as a Christ Centered Contemplative Poet and has written articles for them.

A portion of her poem “He Is Able” was included in the August 2013 issue of Conversations Journal.

A few of her poems will be included in Living Magazine Richardson, Texas.

The poem, “Breathe In Christ, Exhale Spiritual Wealth”, was featured over at Faithful Devotions September 9, 2013.

Her poem, “Impossibilities Become Possible With An Amazing God” will be featured in an upcoming issue of Christian Quarterly Magazine.

Her poem, “Celebrating Christmas All Year Long” is in the November/December Gaither Home Coming magazine.

Which Church Am I? is her first book of poetry from and has been featured in World Magazine, Home & School Magazine, Southern Writers Magazine and is listed on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Christian Bookstore Distributor Websites. Which Church Am I? is now an E-book available on Kindle and Sony.

Poet Debbie Harris blends elegance, beauty, and sensitivity into Christ centered portraits. Which Church Am I? is a compelling and thought provoking poetry series challenging both seekers and believers to thoughtfully ponder the modern day church. The reader is invited to enter each church as a participant and then ask himself or herself “Which church am I?”

Her second book of poetry, 365 Christ Centered Contemplative Poems is a daily devotional encouraging all believers to claim Jesus Christ as their source for victorious and joyous living. It will be published within the next six to nine months and will be featured in Southern
Writers Magazine.

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