
Here in the Midwest USA, it’s been frigid and mostly cloudy. Many around me have bemoaned the long cold winter and this present darkness of February. It’s the time of year when people get more depressed than usual. Much of the depression is spawned by the lack of sunlight and by remaining indoors. One friend of mine mentioned that she even feels like hibernating. It is a common thing ’round these parts.

I even find that I get bogged down by the monotony of things. Perhaps acedia is taking hold. But as I have written before, at least for me, it is these very monotonous days that can serve as our spiritual discipline.
So this morning I thought, “Let’s change up our schedule a bit”. My daughter Iliana and I played “school” with her little stuffed animal friends. She probably has fifty. Each of course has a distinct voice and mannerisms. Today’s lesson was words in the English language that end in “-ing”. Ring, sing, bring, and sting. We played show and tell. She showed her little animal friends and  baby dolls two toy trains and a track.

We then went to the downtown library (we live in a very small town but it has a good and friendly library). We signed out a few books.

And this is what I think about. If I am having a dreary monotonous day, I must not allow it to seep into her. Indeed, it is quite a spiritual discipline to be a good mother–or any caretaker really. It is a spiritual discipline to do what needs done throughout the day–to show up. If we would be responsible for our family and friends–for the well-being of the souls around us, although we all have bad days, we must ask God for the strength not to let monotony or the long cold dark winter months get the most of us.

God cares about the simplest things in our lives, like our energy and motivation levels. And he wants us to ask him for enough manna for the day. Like today, I needed motivation and energy to be a good mommy, to not let the weather make me frigid inside and cold (lacking enthusiasm) towards my daughter. I am her world and one of the icons of God in her life (along with my husband and others).

I am not sure where you are today, it may be summer where you live. But know that God cares about the simplest things in our lives and he gives us bursts of energy and the graces to do even the little things faithfully if we’d but come to him (see Matthew 11:28-29).

1 thought on “Monotony

  1. Hello Marlena,
    Quite enjoyed this post. As a fellow Midwesterner I can relate to the the monotony of this time of the year.

    I’m commenting because I work with Zondervan and was hoping to contact you about a book review / giveaway. The book is entitled Half the Church, and it you are interested in hearing more email me at newways [at]

    grace and peace


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