Thoughts About How God Views His Children

We have returned from visiting Shawn’s family for Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time at his brother Chris’ house. Chris and his wife Michelle hosted. I realize that food, fellowship, and ease are not things everyone here or throughout the world enjoy. I thank God for the blessings of food, shelter, and a loving family and hope to do what I can to help those that do not have these.

Just tonight I found a few thoughts I jotted down two days before my daughter, Iliana, turned two months old. It was on a scrap of paper so I am glad for the chance to record it here. Could it be that God sees us this way?

I hover over her face watching her as she sleeps.
I’m enamored. I gently kiss her cheek, startling her.
She’s almost two months old, too little to understand
my good will. She cannot comprehend the depths of my
delight in her. My beautiful, beautiful child. Her lack
of knowledge doesn’t affect the truth. My joy, my delight,
my child. You sleep peacefully while tears of love burst
forth from my tear ducts.

Angels declared peace on earth, good will to men.

Oh, we are so young, too young to understand the eternal
implications of God’s love for us. But our lack of understanding
does not change the truth. As we live on in eternity, more and more
we’ll perceive God’s love. And such perceptions will gladden and comfort
our souls. And we will respond in great love and praise for our one God, Father,
Creator, Savior, Holy Spirit.

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