Who is Wise?

These are the beautiful and insightful words of Eugene Peterson in his book, Where Your Treasure Is: Psalms That Summon You From Self to Community ~ p. 125

The opposite of foolish in Scripture is wise. Wise refers to skill in living. It does not mean, primarily, the person who knows the right answers to things, but one who has developed the right responses (relationships) to persons, to God. The wise understand how the world works; know about patience and love, listening and grace, adoration and beauty; know that other people are awesome creatures to be respected and befriended, especially the ones that I cannot get anything out of; know that the earth is a marvelously intricate gift to be cared for and enjoyed; know that God is an ever-present center, a never-diminishing reality, an all-encompassing love; and know that there is no living being that does not reach out gladly and responsively to him and the nation/kingdom/community in which he has placed us.

The wise know that there is only one cure for a fool. Prayer that is as passionate for the salvation of others as it is for myself: “O that deliverance for Israel would come out of Zion!” Prayer that is convinced that there is no wellness until everyone is restored to a place of blessing: “When the LORD restores the fortunes of his people.” And prayer that sees the community as a place not of acquisition, but of celebration: “Jacob shall rejoice, Israel shall be glad” (Psalm 14:7).

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